Decoding The Giving Code (And Turning It Into Action Plan): Part II
In the Part I of this two-part post, we discussed some of the steps an organization can take to usher in a data-driven mindset. We also...
Decoding The Giving Code (And Turning It Into Action Plan): Part I
How to interpret The Giving Code Report and turn it into Action Items
The Eternal Dilemma: Dream Or Execute?
A non profit's mission is its guiding star, and the fire that keeps burning and keeps the nonprofit going. This fuels the passion of its...
What Is Organizational Data Strategy and Why Is It Important?
All non profits have data and it is a dynamic entity. Does growing data equate to growing wisdom? Does data make you more knowledgeable...
Enhancing Impact: Using Technology As Strategic Tool
Just like a business measures its success by its revenues, a non profit measures its success by impact. To power this impact, fundraising...